The Other “Big Chop”

This set of locs I started when I became pregnant with my first child. I had gone 7 years with my first set.

But I yearned for the afro’s and braids and “versatility”…spelled “W O R K”. I didn’t realize I was giving up the ultimate wash and go style for what seemed like the song that never ends.
(There’s a throw back for all us 80’s babies)
No longer could I get up 20 minutes before I needed to be at work. I would just run my fingers through my locs as I was brushing my teeth.
After I cut them, I had to sleep in a bonnet ( not at all sexy), brush it, oil it, braid it. My beloved puff was too drying. The braids made my scalp scream, and all of a sudden I started getting too many comments. I felt like it was becoming a distraction. The quality of my work was no longer the topic of the day, but how I styled my hair. Soon I found myself in two strand twists.
Then twists with extensions. (How that lady spent 8 hours on my head for only $60 I will never know, but I tipped generously.)
None the less, I feel free. And until I feel the itch to have the sun on my scalp, my locs will stay long and lovely.