Twice as Good

Twice as Good

I’m sure most of you in the loc’ing community are sad to see see the latest set back to natural hair handed out by the courts.

Denial of Right to Wear Locs Means Denial of Black Freedoms
*Ebony Magazine – Denial of Right to Wear Locs

Now, I believe in maintaining a professional work environment. You want to get along with your colleagues, customers, and your employer. Businesses do have a right to create the kind of culture they want within their walls. In no way should that exclude locs which by extension can discriminate against natural hair which is a part of who we are. We should continue to challenge and fight these practices, in the courts and with our dollars. But before I get too far off track, and my blood pressure gets too high I remember the proverb that has been etched on my consciousness since before I can remember : “twice as good”.

At some point that company should regret that decision. They should recognize that loss and mourn the fact that their prejudice has limited their success. Whenever I have ran into a wall as hard and immovable as someone who is unwilling to listen, I just pick up my toys and go. I know what I am worth. Our success will be their indictment.

img_0445b(Snap up a hair pin!)


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